Today, the bra has "evolved" from simple underwear into a sexual garment, in order to emphasize the sexual nature of breasts. This can be readily seen, for example, by the terminology used to advertise bras: enticing, hot, ravishing, seducing, etc. It is no wonder feminists symbolically threw their bras into the trash in the 60s. Even today, going braless is sometimes connected with feminism. Still, putting feminism aside, there are actually some health reasons for not wearing bras.
In our previous post we also have posted about the unique bra in japan, that bra was suitable for those who want to get married. and in this opportunity we'll give you another strange and unique bra. like in the left picture. look at that underwear.. it was looks like a body armor for me.. do you think so??
Ok here's World Most Strangest and Unusual Woman Underwear

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